Dowry 嫁妆
What is Dowry?
The bathtub, basin and potty are to encourage the couple to have children. The sewing kit represents a capable wife. The wedding lamps mean a bright future and the bowls means abundant food for the couple.
Why is Dowry important?
The gifts represent the blessing to the couple GIVEN by the bride's parents and to show that the bride has grown up and is ready to take on the new role of a wife and mum.
When should Dowry be given?
On the same day as Betrothal ceremony or a few days before the wedding.
What are the common items given?
1 Double happiness bathtub
1 Double happiness potty
1 Double happiness basin
1 tray
1 Sewing box
1 sewing kit (needle, scissors, pin cushion, thread, measuring tape)
1 pair Double happiness rinsing mugs
1 pc Mirror, a pair of tooth brush, a pair of tooth paste, a pair of shampoo and a pair bath OR face towels
1 Double happiness tea set
1 set of Double happiness bowl, spoon and chopsticks set
2 pair Silk slippers
1 lagugge
1set of Bedsheet

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