Hair Combing 上头 (our set is at unbeatable price of $9.90 nett)
What are the differences between different dialects?
For this procedure, there is only difference between the groom and bride set..
For male:
Pointed comb
1 set of mirror
1 set of red string
1 ruler
1 pair Dragon and phoenix candles
Lian zi, red dates, tang yuan in either 6 or 9pcs
For female:
Round comb
1 set of mirror
1 set of red string
1 set of sewing kit (optional, if you have bought the dowry set there is a sewing kit in it therefore no need to purchase)
1 ruler
1 pair Dragon and phoenix candles
Lian zi, red dates, tang yuan in either 6 or 9pcs
Why is Hair combing important?
This has been a long tradition that is believed to bring long and lasting marriage, where the red string signifies blessing which is used to tie the bride’s hair and the ruler is used to remind couples to cherish their relationship and take good care of the family. It is important the both party participates in this ceremony, if either party is not doing the hair combing ceremony the other party can skip it too.
Where is Hair combing done?
As this procedure is done 1 day before the wedding day (bride and groom are not allow to see each other 1 day before the wedding day), it is a must that the bride and groom does it separately at their parent’s home in the bedroom.
When should Hair combing be done?
Hair combing can be done after 11pm on the eve of the wedding. The bride must take part in this ceremony at least 1 hour after the groom had completed his.
How should Hair combing be done? Step by step guide:
1) Set up the items comb, candles, fruits and meat to pray to the ancestors. Lian zi, red dates, tang yuan must be either 6pcs or 9pcs each to be placed on the table.
2) bride and groom have to shower with water infused with either pomelo or pomegranate leaves (Showering in these leaves is to cleanse the body from bad luck)
3) Thereafter, bride and groom should change into a new set of clothing, shoes, using new sets of towels, tooth brush, tooth paste, shampoo (for a new beginning)
4)Light the candles. Hair combing is normally done by the Hao Min Po ‘fortune lady’, if either 1 parent or both parents are no longer around, this procedure should be done by Hao Ming Po, who MUST be blissfully married with surviving husband and WITH children and grandchildren. This is to ensure the bride and groom will be blessed with the same fortune.
5) The red thread means yue lao qian hong xian, is to be tie on the hair completing the ceremony.
(During ceremony) The groom has to face the wall with his back against the door while the bride does the opposite that is facing the door with her back against the wall.
The bedroom's door must be locked and admittance is prohibited. The groom is to perform this in his room facing inside, while the bride facing the ancestors.
The magical words will have to be recite out loud:
1st comb symbolises:
Couple will always be together forever, from the beginning till the end of the road.
2nd comb symbolises:
Happiness and harmony in the relationship together from now till old age.
3rd comb symbolises:
Couple will bear many sons, daughters, grand daughters and grandsons.
4th comb symbolises:
Guaranteed happiness and fortune for the couple.
After hair combing, sweet pink glutinous ball soup (must be pink) must be served after the hair combing ceremony to wish the couple a complete, sweet and happiness marriage. The serving of sweet pink glutinous ball soup is also carried out on the wedding day itself (for teochew) after the groom has successfully completed all the tasks given by the Jie meis.
*If either of the couple has been married before the combing event can be skipped*

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